Biography / Explanation

Head culture critic (self-appointed), Patrick Worden is a freelance writer and editor, author of Mind.Net (2009), Refrigerator Magnets (2010) and Voracious (2012). He is the principal, creative lead and head of housekeeping for The Wordsmith, a nimble little copywriting, ghostwriting and marketing-consultation concern. He is also the world’s leading proponent of the theory that communication, and all it entails, is the only thing that can save us.

And why then are we not yet saved?

Not enough good communication, folks, and too much of the bad.

Which brings us where we are today: Deconstructing the culture, eyeballing the good bits and marking others for deletion.

Worden can’t do it all by himself, much as he’d like to try. So log in and lend a hand.

2 Responses to Biography / Explanation

  1. Sandi Abicht-Guelker says:

    Yay YOU, Patrick!

  2. Pam Green says:

    Great Job Pat!

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