Tag Archives: publishing

World’s oldest art manual now available for your review

Kudos and thanks going out to the Cambridge University Library for inviting us all to enjoy a 17th-century Chinese manual for artists and calligraphers, which had previously been deemed too fragile to open. The book has now been fully digitized, … Continue reading

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Something new, something cool: Booktrope

It’s nice, for a change, to report on something new in publishing without opining on its contribution to publishing’s ruination. Say hello to Booktrope, for my money the biggest and best development in the book-publishing business in at least a … Continue reading

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Books are evolving (and not the way you think)

Plenty has been written about the quantum evolution we’ve witnessed in the world of publishing over the last ten or fifteen years. It’s true that a slim majority of books now in print are actually just that–in print; in a … Continue reading

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Digital (r)Evolution – a personal perspective

One thing about the craft of writing that has undeniably changed down through its history, is its actual methodology. It’s become way, way easier. And it would be way way easy to belabor that point with a thousand and one … Continue reading

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Books as business, or books as art?

Books are dying, if not already dead. Or they’re bigger than ever. Or maybe they’re lining Schrödinger’s litter box, because both facts seem to be simultaneously true. Technology, including print-on-demand and electronic readers, has expanded publishing unlike anything since Guttenberg … Continue reading

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