Tag Archives: What is art?

Butt music

Yes you read that right. We’re going to have a little listen to a gluteal chorale today. You will enjoy it. (How could you not?) The composition comes to us courtesy of Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516), a … Continue reading

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For the arts – challenge yourself

How about this? Hats off to artist Denise Cerro and her band of merry creators, for their revolving assemblage challenge (and many bonus points awarded for their use of recycled materials). Does this not inspire? You don’t have to think … Continue reading

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The art of eternal employment

Lifetime guaranteed employment sounds like a concept from an earlier age, or perhaps something that never existed at all. How about eternal, self-perpetuating employment? Economists can argue whether such a thing could ever be possible (economists argue about everything, you … Continue reading

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Deconstructing the art and spectacle of Ivanka Vacuuming

Performance art can be a challenge to interpret. By its very nature it represents a forfeiture of control—by relocating the creative process from the studio to the stage, and by producing and reproducing iterative art before a mutable audience, the … Continue reading

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Weekend craftiness

So here is a purposeless little project I wrapped up this weekend—because sometimes I feel the call to make something, even if that something has no practical value whatsoever. Sometimes the making is simply for the making’s sake. It started … Continue reading

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Art$ and economy

We’re not supposed to try to valuate the intangibles of culture. Except, you know, we’re a people who valuate everything. So let’s do this. According to new research just released by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau … Continue reading

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That you, Banksy?

I – It’s probably a little more common to snap a credible picture of Nessie than it is to catch the world’s most elusive street artist in action. But a British tourist in Bethlehem thinks that’s just what he’s done. … Continue reading

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The process

‘ It’s rainy and cool here in Deconstruction Central; seasons are changing and the wheel of the year is looping back to its wintry starting point. It is a time of adjustments. And how we adjust, the process of adjusting, … Continue reading

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Too sexy for the Louvre – censorship in 2017

It’s hard to say wherein lies the headline here: Is it that a 40-foot tall architectural sculpture can be so unexpectedly suggestive? Or that any sculpture can be suggestive enough to be banned by the Louvre? Domestikator by the Dutch … Continue reading

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The gift of movement

My city, Akron, boasts a myriad of ways to deliver art and culture to we, her lucky citizens. Our local arts scene is thriving beyond all proportion to our size, geography, and, I’d guess, our reputation. Much of that is … Continue reading

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Send me art

You already know what a sizable percentage of humanity’s wit, wisdom and culture is readily beam-downable to that device you keep in your pocket (and that might not be the safest place to keep it, by the way). But what … Continue reading

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Virtual exhibitions bring art to us all

Hopefully there’s an art museum, gallery, studio, or exhibition space within easy traveling distance from wherever you’re sitting right now. And hopefully it beckons you, and you grace it with your patronage just as often as you possibly can. But…we … Continue reading

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Who owns an atrocity?

The brutal murder of 14 year-old Emmett Till in 1955 was both a singular atrocity and a bellwether for change. It didn’t spark the civil rights movement—countless other indignities not to mention the sweep of history did that. But it … Continue reading

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First they came for the monkey’s copyright…

To be sure it was not the most uncomplicated of copyright-protection cases. Wildlife photographer David Slater owned the camera that took the most famous (and arguably, the most glamorous) selfie of the twenty-teens. But it was Naruto the crested macaque … Continue reading

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Rage against Renoir

You just don’t see many arts-related popular movements these days, least of all ones that inspire partisans to man the barricades. But there’s one a-brew right now, replete with picket lines forming outside New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and … Continue reading

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