Tag Archives: superbowl

Super Bowl LII? Sure, why not

Longtime repeat visitors to this space have probably noticed the ambivalent attitude we at Decon Central have toward pro sports in general, and in particular toward the American bacchanalia that is the Super Bowl. Opinions vary, and this probably puts … Continue reading

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Game day respite

It’s a good day to decompress, disengage, and be entertained. Ugliness and struggle will still be there tomorrow, never fear. So leave it until tomorrow—today we play ball.

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Football is dead to me

Today is going to be a strange, bittersweet day here at Deconstruction Central. For it’s going to be a day without football. To be sure, we’ve never been the biggest gridiron fanatics up in here. Some of us really couldn’t … Continue reading

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Preempted for Superbowl 2014

Apologies to my non-football-enjoying friends, and to readers of the Deconstruction from all those distant shores. I get that you don’t get it. American football doesn’t get a lot of love around the world, but I know you know that … Continue reading

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Out with the substance, in with the shallow

Edward Gibbon, in his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, summed up his many exhaustive volumes by diagnosing late-empire Rome with an illness of its civic virtue. Civis Romanus stopped caring about its place in society, about … Continue reading

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Pregame starts in 3, 2, 1…

This is the Deconstruction’s third blowout Super Bowl Sunday, and cheers to that. Cheers to you too, and your team if you’ve got one, and to your health (whether you’ve got that or not). And that’s that—the rest of my … Continue reading

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Liveblog: Superbowl XLVI

So what have we here? What we have here is a team from Boston that claims to represent an entire region, and a team from New Jersey that claims to be from New York. Schizophrenia Bowl? It very well might … Continue reading

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Superbowl Super-blog!

No one here at the Deconstruction claims to be a sports expert. But as we’ve said before, when it comes to American sports culture, we know there’s only One Big Game. That’s why Superbowl Sunday, February 5th, will mark our … Continue reading

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The Big Game

On any given Sunday, they say, any team can beat any other. But on this Sunday the best take on the best and a champion is crowned. That’s the hype anyway, and it’s the reason that American football is a … Continue reading

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