Tag Archives: mind.net

Friday freebie – a novella just for you

A question I’m frequently asked, not always in the most patient of tones, is what becomes of the central characters, Sara and John, from my first novel, Mind.Net. Well…I still can’t completely answer that, as the sequel to that book … Continue reading

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The end of all mankind! (for lulz)

You would think, wouldn’t you, that one of the primary tenets of the entertainment industry would be: don’t bum out your audience. But how then are we to explain the post-apocalypse drama? Each year, amongst the slew of sparkly vampire … Continue reading

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Calling all psychics…

Keeping with the paranormal theme of my last post – but maybe treating the subject a bit more seriously – I’d like to explore the cultural implications of psychics and psychic phenomena. It’s a subject close to my heart. Although … Continue reading

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Mind.Net now available as E-book

Just a quick follow up from a post from a few days ago…my 2009 novel, Mind.Net has been revised and re-released in multiple E-book formats by Smashwords.com. Document formats include .mobi, .pdf, Epub, JavaScript and more. Readers are cheerfully invited to … Continue reading

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An Announcement of the Self-Important, Self-Indulgent Variety

Just a quick digression, if you don’t mind, from our usual snarky examination of modern culture… …for the purpose of sharing new cover art for my 2009 novel, Mind.Net. This is in anticipation of the newly revised edition, to be … Continue reading

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