Tag Archives: video

The word, spoken

And then there are those days when you just need to turn on the camera and spew verse…

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The sonneteer

~ ~ No clear idea why, but it seems I’m sonnetering these days. Works for me if it works for you: ~ ~ ~

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The beer sonnet

~ ~ With thanks and salud to Max Stossel.

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Max Stossel’s timely poetic appeal

Multi-media philosopher/bard Max Stossel is back with a gut-wrenching plea in the dual, synergistic form of a poem and a video. It is timely, pertinent, and well-nigh inarguable. Give it a watch:

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Subway Love – poetry in the age of viral media

If you’ve been wondering where in hell poetry fits in with our efflorescing twenty-first century digital artforms (I sure have), then maybe, just maybe, Brooklynite balladeer Max Stossel has your answer. Verse and video? It can work, and it can go viral. … Continue reading

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Wanna see something really scary?

On any other day, if you’re asked that question, let the lessons of the cinema be your guide, and say ‘no thanks.’ Ah, but today is Halloween, or Samhain for ye traditionalists. It is as they say the time when … Continue reading

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