Tag Archives: what is culture?

Here come the Deepfakes

At some point, the onward trudge of technology has taken on more of a steamroll presentation, and much of the nextgen whatever-it-is brings far less progress to society and much more churn. It’s like the rote Silicon Valley diktat, “disrupt … Continue reading

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World War I – a century behind us

When I was about nine years old, I had the privilege of meeting an American veteran of World War I. I’m not sure I realized then what a privilege that was, but I think I knew it was quite unusual. … Continue reading

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The process

‘ It’s rainy and cool here in Deconstruction Central; seasons are changing and the wheel of the year is looping back to its wintry starting point. It is a time of adjustments. And how we adjust, the process of adjusting, … Continue reading

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The heir of the sea

The Air of the sea, said the heir of the sea– burrows its way in your bones. r It whispers a plea one of gilt mystery and of seeding the depths with unknowns. r The heir of the sea took … Continue reading

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Send me art

You already know what a sizable percentage of humanity’s wit, wisdom and culture is readily beam-downable to that device you keep in your pocket (and that might not be the safest place to keep it, by the way). But what … Continue reading

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What I saw at the HRC rally

There’s a little mental calculus that comes into play when you’re thinking about attending a political event. First off there are the known disincentives: There’ll be long lines and lots of waiting. Decibel levels will be high. Spirits will also … Continue reading

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History in the margins

It might be the bane of librarians, but after a certain interval marginalia becomes history itself. In this case the tome is the Black Book of Carmarthen (so named for its distinctive black binding), and as the oldest known manuscript … Continue reading

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A death in Miami

Worlds collided last week, in more ways than one. But these weren’t romantic or progressive or productive comminglings. They were destructive and divisive and deadly. Art Basel is an international celebration of modern art, and its sojourn in Miami has … Continue reading

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The art, it gets under your skin

Since no one is really painting on cave walls anymore, we have to agree that there’s just one art form that has survived since primordial times, and is practiced just as fervently and reverentially today as it was then, as … Continue reading

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Da Vinci’s drafts

Nearly five hundred years after his death, Leonardo Da Vinci is still celebrated, and widely recognized, as one of the Western world’s most accomplished polymaths, inventors, and above all, artists. Even the most uninitiated can easily see why—a glance through … Continue reading

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What if the sun takes it all away?

It seems we really did dodge an apocalypse, of sorts, back in 2012. In one of those sleeper stories, known but to a few learned insiders (and they might as well keep such things to themselves since no one believes … Continue reading

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World got you down? Just dance

If you’ve had any exposure to the news over the last week or so, you know things seem to have gotten very, very bad. Tempting though it may be, escapism probably isn’t the answer. I’ve no proof of this, but I … Continue reading

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Dark Enlightenment – the thinking man’s neo-fascism

What do you make of a movement that purports to be intellectual, neo-reactionary, anti-democratic, and — wait for it — in favor of feudal restoration? You might think them confused, with good enough reason. Then you dig deeper and find … Continue reading

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Banksy took Manhattan – the movie?

Has it really been nearly a year since enigmatic Brit street artist Banksy steamrolled NYC? New Yorkers aren’t likely to forget the experience any time soon, but just in case the rest of us have, his website is now hosting … Continue reading

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Every other year – the art world lets its hair down

Doesn’t seem easy for the arts to do the unexpected. Or rather, artists themselves thrive on the unusual and the risky, but the arts establishment does its best to steer them, and their production, right back toward the mainstream. This … Continue reading

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