Tag Archives: Voracious

Voracious 2014 edition – order now from Nocturnal Press Publications

Couldn’t be happier to report that the latest edition of my 2012 novella, Voracious, is now available for pre-order from Nocturnal Press Publications. All thanks, then, to Shane and his crackerjack team for shepherding this project to fruition. Amenable to … Continue reading

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If I announce it publicly, that means I can’t punk out

#LetTheGamesBegin #amwriting sequel Voracious II, “Rapacious,” now outlined w/scene one in the can. Woohoo! TheyAreVoracious.com — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) April 13, 2013

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Time for a giveaway!

It couldn’t be easier to score you some free swag! And by ‘swag,’ we mean signed, first edition copies of Voracious and Refrigerator Magnets. We’ll even spring for the postage! (and for that reason – sorry – U.S. and Canadian … Continue reading

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The fine art of frantically selling books

Most books these days have exactly one lead salesperson/cheerleader: the author. Oh, there are exceptions. Undoubtedly you’re thinking of your favorite author, who simply writes books. Maybe gives interviews from time to time. But toiling in the crass commerce of selling? … Continue reading

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Scary, scary monsters, now available!

Now available through Booklocker.com: Voracious by yours truly (distribution will be picked up within mere days by Amazon, Barnes&Noble and all your favorite book-hawkers; ebook version dropping within a week). “Patrick Worden delivers a unique story, horrifying monsters, characters with … Continue reading

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Wanna read something really scary?

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