Tag Archives: Labor Day

Labor Day – cookouts and class struggle

Just a wee, timely reminder that Labor Day is our late-summer salute to a movement, to a social class, to all the toilers who have built and continue to build the skeleton and connective tissue of our nation-state. A reminder … Continue reading

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Labor Day ’18 – a movement on the cusp

If you’re a worker, today’s your day. Labor Day is more than just the unofficial end of summer—it’s the annual recognition of the irreplaceable role that callused hands and dripping sweat and unyielding grit have played in building our civilization. … Continue reading

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Labor’s next heavy lift

It’s probably the right thing, the duly deferential thing, to observe Labor Day (America’s tempered version of May Day) by reflecting on the successes and legacies of the U.S. labor movement. The forty-hour workweek, job-safety regulations, even this very holiday … Continue reading

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Happy Labor Day, all you Wobblies

Okay, so maybe you’re not a card-carrying member of the One Big Union—AKA The Wobblies (legend sources the nickname to the IWW’s international outreach: a non-English speaking member tried to pronounce IWW but it came out I-Wobble-Wobble). In fact, odds … Continue reading

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When art was labor, and labor was salvation

Crises have a way of bringing out the best or the worst in people, and in societies, and in cultures. There’s rarely a middle ground, and there’s rarely any ambiguity to it. You might think of them as litmus tests … Continue reading

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Happy Labor Day 2013

Happy Labor Day. If you labor, thank you. Thank you especially if you labor anything like my dad did, or his dad, or any of the thousands of rubber workers, steel workers, machinists, ditch-diggers and floor washers I’ve been honored … Continue reading

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Labor 2012

Last year on this day we took a look back at the history of the labor movement in the United States. This year we’ll take a look around. This article by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis celebrates the history of … Continue reading

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A look back, for Labor Day

Times being what they are, teachers probably no longer ask this question I remember being asked often, or at least once a term, way back in grade school: “Where does your dad work?” One at a time, we’d all answer, … Continue reading

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