Tag Archives: Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2020

This space, you might have noticed, has gone mostly dark these last few tortuous months. Words, by and large, just haven’t been flowing. I won’t belabor the point because, say it with me now, This (and by this I mean, … Continue reading

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In memoriam: General George S. Patton

Since 2011, this site has observed Memorial Day by saluting the ordinary yet heroic soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who served and sacrificed, and died for their country. It must be said though that many of our heroic dead were, … Continue reading

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Remembering Belleau Wood – a century of sacrifice

On Memorial Day we honor those service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. It’s fitting and fortuitous then that Memorial Day 2018 falls so closely to the centenary of the pivotal First World War Battle of Belleau … Continue reading

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Memorial and monition – Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing

We take this day as personal time, hopefully as a time of reflection and gratitude but in any case as a day that exists as an exemplar of freedom, bought and paid for, like all freedoms, with blood and sacrifice. … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 2016 – Recognition and Thanks

Memorial Day, as has been noted before, is the unofficial start of summer, a pre-solstice revelry of warm weather and outdoor fun. For many of us, myself thoroughly included, it’s a long-anticipated 3-day weekend, a barbecue bacchanalia, a day to … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 2015

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Memorial Day 2014 – Recognition and Thanks

Memorial Day. It’s the unofficial start of summer, a pre-solstice revelry of warm weather and outdoor fun. For many of us, myself thoroughly included, it’s a long-anticipated 3-day weekend, a barbecue bacchanalia, a day to relax and unwind. But we … Continue reading

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Freddie Stowers, U.S. Army

Quoting from this blog, Memorial Day 2011: “In the annals of the U.S. military there is no shortage of heroes. We can and should honor them all. But to humanize that process, to put a face on it, I suggest … Continue reading

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Happy Memorial Day, and thanks to service members everywhere

We’ve started a tradition, over the last couple years, of dedicating this space on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, to service people in general – and in particular to a single soldier, sailor or airman, as a way of sharing … Continue reading

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Culture on Memorial Day

This purports to be a cultural deconstruction thing. An art/film/literature fanboy thing. Kind of thing that’s frivolous around the time of somber memorial holidays. Maybe. Or maybe the line twixt culture, and the service-people sworn to protect that culture, isn’t … Continue reading

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Charles J. Berry, USMC

Cpl. Charles J. Berry of Lorain Ohio served with the First Battalion, Fifth Marine Division. He gave his life on March 3, 1945, on Iwo Jima. During a Japanese infiltration attack he diligently and expertly manned a machine gun emplacement, … Continue reading

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