Tag Archives: art theft

Brazen art theft in Moscow

We’ll say it again: we in no way condone art theft, but we can’t help giving a little hat-tip to the more ballsy art thieves out there. On Sunday, Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery fell victim to perhaps the most direct, no-nonsense … Continue reading

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They stole the crown jewels! (This is not a metaphor)

Here’s an obligatory disclaimer: thievery is bad, mmkay? And we endeavor not to encourage or glorify roguish behavior in any form. Even if it’s in really, really badass form. On July 30th a pair of pilferers pulled off a daring … Continue reading

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Art-theft prank ends with jail time

Oh, the imperative to go viral. A million or so YouTubers will tell you that it’s not just transitory fame at stake (alluring though that might be); there’s actual income on the line here, in terms of shares in advertising … Continue reading

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Richard Prince: borrowing talent, selling a lie

Careful what you upload to Instagram. You just might wind up an inadvertent and uncompensated collaborator to serial fauxtographer, Richard Prince. Prince seems to have built a career by profiting from a fine line that most artists, writers, and harried … Continue reading

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Developing story – HUGE art heist in Amsterdam

At least seven major art works have been stolen from the Kunsthal Museum in the Netherlands, in an early morning heist on Tuesday. The works include paintings by Picasso, Monet, Matisse, and Gauguin. The museum, which was celebrating its 20th anniversary … Continue reading

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Art theft by amnesia?

Revisiting conspicuous art theft, we’re happy to say that this time, at least, the thief has been caught and the art recovered. New South Wales lawyer Michael Sullivan, seen here on CCTV examining two paintings by artist James Willebrant (after … Continue reading

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A fine art conundrum

Should art museums throughout the world be free to lend their collections, thus spreading culture and goodwill? And should victims of art theft, particularly those victimized through wartime plunder, be free to pursue the return of their property? For most … Continue reading

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This week in conspicuous art theft

Isn’t it great when the thief looks directly at the camera? At about 6pm, on Thursday, August 11, the master criminal depicted above strolled into the Marc Ecko Gallery on West 23rd Street in Manhattan, and strolled out with $100,000 … Continue reading

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