Tag Archives: PSA

Resolution Revolution

, In the small amount of informal surveying I’ve done (friends and family, mostly; so perhaps not a representative demographic but surely an awesome one), I’ve found that most of us don’t muck about with New Years resolutions. And perhaps … Continue reading

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Creative resistance

At the time it sure felt like 2016 was the culmination of the old “May you live in interesting times” hex. But just as the new climate-change normal leads us to designate each year as the hottest on record—but only … Continue reading

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Public service announcement.

Hey. I’m a little worried about you. I think you need to take a breath. I know you hear that a lot. Someone’s always telling you that, or versions of that. Chill down, chillax, get your bloomers out of their … Continue reading

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You should certainly make art books

But do give a shout out to the original author

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I culture you: Just some incredibly hip street-art videos

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I culture you: Take your vacation

You’ve been working very very hard, haven’t you? Poor thing, I know exactly how you feel. You know what you need? You need a little vacation. Go ahead — take a some time off. Relax. How you relax is a … Continue reading

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I culture you: Hop aboard

Humulus lupulus: the hop flower. Fruit of a herbaceous perennial vine, cultivated mainly in northern temperate regions, used extensively as an antibacterial herbal additive. Which is nice. But for my money, hops have one beautiful, noble purpose: they’re what turns … Continue reading

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I culture you: Brews gone bad

For most of human history, there has been beer. The brewing arts were conceived as a way of processing excess grain, of turning it into a longer-lived, refreshing consumable. In its earliest iterations, the introduction of yeast—thus the production of … Continue reading

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