Tag Archives: Art

Butt music

Yes you read that right. We’re going to have a little listen to a gluteal chorale today. You will enjoy it. (How could you not?) The composition comes to us courtesy of Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516), a … Continue reading

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For the arts – challenge yourself

How about this? Hats off to artist Denise Cerro and her band of merry creators, for their revolving assemblage challenge (and many bonus points awarded for their use of recycled materials). Does this not inspire? You don’t have to think … Continue reading

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The art of eternal employment

Lifetime guaranteed employment sounds like a concept from an earlier age, or perhaps something that never existed at all. How about eternal, self-perpetuating employment? Economists can argue whether such a thing could ever be possible (economists argue about everything, you … Continue reading

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When the going gets tough, the snowflakes sue

It’s really quite impressive how many of us can go around with a copy of the U.S. Constitution in our hip pocket, yet still have no idea what it does and does not say. Case in point: artist and Trump … Continue reading

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Banksy’s latest: The hype is strong with this one

Oh, come on. This is just too much. If you haven’t yet heard, you soon will. An event went down yesterday at Sotheby’s in London that will surely be part of art-world lore forevermore. “Girl With Balloon,” one of the … Continue reading

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. So you think there’s no art to telling time? You think that whether it’s analog or digital, it’s purely utilitarian? Check out, then, the Schiphol Airport clock in the Netherlands, created in 2016 by artist Maarten Baas. It features … Continue reading

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Putin on the Potomac (a painting, a prank)

New York City artist Brian Whiteley is laying claim to an epic prank executed last month at Donald Trump’s very own D.C. profit center, the Trump International Hotel. The hotel, located near the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, on the … Continue reading

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A 15-storey tribute to Johnny Cash’s Folsom Blues

Half a century ago Johnny Cash gave two performances at Folsom Prison near Sacramento, California, and thereby shone a rare light–for that time–on prisoner rights and the need for prison reform. Contemporary graphic artist Shepard Fairey is also a champion … Continue reading

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A symphony for the people

I’ve boasted more than once about the state of the arts in my beloved hometown. We’re at the resilient epicenter of a rust-belt renaissance, and we take our public arts very seriously. Not to put too fine a point on … Continue reading

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The art of the Fourth

Happy birthday, America. Enjoy this retrospective of Independence Day in the arts…

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Another “new” Da Vinci

Every few years, it seems, the world is treated to a new Da Vinci attribution—that is, some Renaissance painting that held low-key status in a minor collection suddenly goes stratospheric as it is newly credited to the maestro himself, Leonardo … Continue reading

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Got her covered

. A vicarious thrill and no small amount of pride to see that the real talent in the family, the mother of my spoiled-rotten child, maestra of the molten glass Jennifer L. Worden lands the cover spot and featured artist … Continue reading

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Lend me your art

The lending library is probably one of humanity’s greatest cultural institutions (stands to reason, then, that the first lending library in the Americas was founded by a veritable cultural institute in the flesh: Benjamin Franklin). It’s an ideal that’s kept pace … Continue reading

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Creatively satisfying

Springtime salute to the kind of eye candy that’s satisfying not just in its final form, but also throughout the act of its creation. . No overarching meaning here; no metaphors nor messages. Just some fun some stuff to look … Continue reading

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Art$ and economy

We’re not supposed to try to valuate the intangibles of culture. Except, you know, we’re a people who valuate everything. So let’s do this. According to new research just released by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau … Continue reading

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