Tag Archives: leonardo da vinci

Another “new” Da Vinci

Every few years, it seems, the world is treated to a new Da Vinci attribution—that is, some Renaissance painting that held low-key status in a minor collection suddenly goes stratospheric as it is newly credited to the maestro himself, Leonardo … Continue reading

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Virtual exhibitions bring art to us all

Hopefully there’s an art museum, gallery, studio, or exhibition space within easy traveling distance from wherever you’re sitting right now. And hopefully it beckons you, and you grace it with your patronage just as often as you possibly can. But…we … Continue reading

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Mona Lisa, uncanny valley

Just because you can do something doesn’t, by any means, mean you should. The Manhattan Project scientists, just prior to setting off the world’s first atomic device at Trinity Test Site, New Mexico, in July of 1945, were taking tongue-in-check … Continue reading

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Da Vinci’s drafts

Nearly five hundred years after his death, Leonardo Da Vinci is still celebrated, and widely recognized, as one of the Western world’s most accomplished polymaths, inventors, and above all, artists. Even the most uninitiated can easily see why—a glance through … Continue reading

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Leonardo fading

Am I rearranging the Titanic’s deckchairs, by fretting over the condition of a 500 year-old drawing? With all that’s at stake in contemporary society, does art conservation really matter all that much? Oh, but I’d argue: if our culture’s worth … Continue reading

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Long Lost Leo?

Short of a time machine, there’s just no way to authenticate some works of art. The above painting, Salvator Mundi or Savior of the World, is widely believed to have been painted by Leonardo DaVinci in the late 1490s or … Continue reading

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Nice smile you got there, lady

Well this is somewhat horrifying. Researchers in Florence, Italy are all set to dig up the bones of Lisa Gherardini, died 1542, with the goal of reconstructing her face to see if maybe, just maybe, she might have been Leonardo’s model … Continue reading

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