Tag Archives: hemingway

I culture you: Take your vacation

You’ve been working very very hard, haven’t you? Poor thing, I know exactly how you feel. You know what you need? You need a little vacation. Go ahead — take a some time off. Relax. How you relax is a … Continue reading

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Kill your Buddha

I try not to too often use this soapbox as a dispensary for artistic advice (my good friend Robin K. has that all sewn up for writers over at More Ink and for visual artists at Ink and Alchemy). But … Continue reading

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Les Mis will unman us all

I dreamed a dream where I could go to the movies without publicly embarrassing myself. I’m a highly empathetic person, you see. When I see pain, I feel pain. And although I’m thoroughly masculine—truly as masculine as masculine can be—my … Continue reading

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Ernest Hemingway: The Spanish Earth (1937)

What a cool find, and thanks as always, YouTube. This documentary provides not only one of the few surviving recordings of Hemingway’s voice (he narrated it), it also represents one of his only willing collaborations with the film industry (he … Continue reading

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That’s Ava Gardner up there, making the moon eyes. Pretty much every candid picture you see of Hemingway is just like that – he’s the undisputed center of attention. Now a couple of movies, Midnight in Paris and Hemingway and … Continue reading

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In praise of the green fairy (from afar)

Maybe it’s the rain. As we we enter our third or fourth week of gray, unrelenting drizzle, my mind turns introspective, nihilistic and utterly self-destructive. And since I lack the strength of will to open a vein, or even to … Continue reading

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