Tag Archives: The Plug and Play Life

Friday freebie – a novella just for you

A question I’m frequently asked, not always in the most patient of tones, is what becomes of the central characters, Sara and John, from my first novel, Mind.Net. Well…I still can’t completely answer that, as the sequel to that book … Continue reading

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Plugging The Plug and Play Life

Better late than never, eh? My latest novella, a strange little thing called The Plug and Play Life was published back in April. For no good reason I didn’t seem to be in a hurry to give it a lil’ … Continue reading

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Boom, another book drops

Book drop day. Dropping into an online bookmonger near you, my novella-turned-ebook The Plug and Play Life premiers today. Timeslips, parallel universes, and the abusive psychology of endless searching—all in the format of an extra-longish short story, or a bite-sized … Continue reading

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Plugging and playing

Update on the previously self-plugged blog experiment, The Plug and Play Life: Those playing along at home might remember that the goal was to breed long-format fiction with Tumblr, to see if a neverending story couldn’t be told, down through … Continue reading

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I tumbl for you

There just might be something unforgivably self-referential in using one blog to plug another. But anyway, here we go. Tumblr is an exponentially growing “micro blog” platform. Twitter, with its 140 teensy characters, has stolen and muddied that “micro” designation, … Continue reading

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