Tag Archives: climate change

Jay Inslee, the issue candidate

The 2020 presidential field is already crowded, and growing ever more so, so it’s probably far too early for any earnest handicapping. Even a modest “meet the candidate” effort becomes a frantic two-step, with more hopefuls announcing, forming exploratory committees, … Continue reading

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The end of the year, and a climate debate (hint: there is no debate)

Kudos, respect, and thanks to Chuck Todd and NBC for today’s extraordinary edition of Meet The Press. The entire hour was dedicated to discussions of critical climate issues and the onrushing impacts of a warming earth. In a ground-breaking departure, … Continue reading

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A climate of despair

It’s no surprise that the latest U.S. climate assessment report dropped on Black Friday. Can you think of a better day to bury a report that presents, quite literally, an inconvenient truth? The report is volume 2 (vol. 1 was … Continue reading

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Innovation to the rescue

Here are a couple inconvenient truths for you: anthropogenic (i.e., human-caused) climate change is a fact, and we’re now way past the tipping point where behavior changes can avert disaster. So what is left to us? Glad you asked. Though the … Continue reading

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Vote like your world depends on it

Pro forma apologies to any committed partisans in the audience, but I’m firmly convinced that the advent of political parties in general, and our sycophantic two-party system in particular, has brought about the incremental ruination of the great American experiment … Continue reading

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Elegy for an extinction – sculptures bid farewell to a forest

The eastern hemlock was once one of the most ubiquitous conifers on this continent. By 2030 it will likely be gone forever. Sometime in the 1950s an invasive parasitic insect, the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), was accidentally imported from east … Continue reading

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Labor’s next heavy lift

It’s probably the right thing, the duly deferential thing, to observe Labor Day (America’s tempered version of May Day) by reflecting on the successes and legacies of the U.S. labor movement. The forty-hour workweek, job-safety regulations, even this very holiday … Continue reading

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Earth Day 2017 – now we march

Never before has reason and rationality been so key to the survival of our species and our planet. Denial of overwhelming evidence and disdain for the proven efficacy of the scientific method has created an unprecedented, unparalleled danger, of the … Continue reading

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Stand with Standing Rock

Something extraordinary is happening, ominous yet inspiring, a scant half-mile from the northern border of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, near Fort Yates, North Dakota. The largest gathering of Native Americans in five generations has convened to support the Standing … Continue reading

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Earth Overshoot Day – we’re in ecological debt

2015 is 255 days old – less than 2/3 complete. And yet as of today, August 13th, we  as a global species have already used up one year’s worth of our planet’s resources. This means that as far as renewables—plants and … Continue reading

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Coda 2014: Hope, fear, and necessity

Perception is reality. That’s a mantra that I wallow in daily, using it as both a business/marketing lever, and as a psychological anchor. It reminds me that, for good or ill, our world and our positions in it are largely … Continue reading

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Pay no attention to the existential threat behind the curtain

There’s a phrase you hear over and over in the debates, such as they are, that American chatterers and politicos engage in on the subject of climate change: “Perpetrating a Fraud“ Here’s the context: a minority of my countrymen have decided, … Continue reading

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One Blog, One Tree

It’s a dilemma, isn’t it? You recognize a problem, you want to help…but the enormity of the thing stops you in your tracks. There are problems confronting us that require massive shifts and unprecedented collective action to solve. When there … Continue reading

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What the melting glacier teaches

Circumstances have brought us to an odd place, where we can simultaneously consider the horrors of an old war, one that’s a hundred years gone and that was supposed to end all wars, and also our grim present, in the … Continue reading

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