Tag Archives: politics

The pendulum’s gonna do what a pendulum does

Someone once told me that if I really wanted to know what was going on in the world I should skip the front page, and flip directly to the business page. Years have passed, and I’ve since dabbled in business … Continue reading

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Gerry Mander for president

It’s hard to say exactly when American democracy died. But June 27th, 2019 might be remembered as the day the U.S. Supreme Court drove a stake in its chest to make damned sure it stayed dead. In an ideologically split, … Continue reading

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Election 2020 – let the handicapping begin

It’s never too early for electoral predictions, and the 2020 presidential election is just 19 months away. Let’s go on the record with a Deconstruction of political prognostications…. While most are keeping a sharp eye on the bloated slate of … Continue reading

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Vote like your world depends on it

Pro forma apologies to any committed partisans in the audience, but I’m firmly convinced that the advent of political parties in general, and our sycophantic two-party system in particular, has brought about the incremental ruination of the great American experiment … Continue reading

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Golden Globes as presidential auditions?

All due respect to Oprah, but haven’t we learned a little bit about the fitness of media personalities for high(est) office? Assuming the underneath of your rock receives decent broadcast signals, you probably know that Oprah Winfrey accepted the Cecil … Continue reading

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Sessions wants names, does he?

Limp A.G. and unloved sycophant Jefferson Beauregard Sessions announced this week that he was going after leakers like nobody’s business. Whether or not the man with the Most Confederate Name Ever truly believes this needs to be a focus of … Continue reading

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Kim Dotcom: Mega-Politico

Looks like one of the most outsized and out-spoken figures from the gray-hat worlds of file-sharing and internet entrepreneurship plans on insinuating himself into the already-bloated milieu of American politics. Being that Kim Dotcom dasn’t step foot on U.S. soil, … Continue reading

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Only I can disenfranchise me

There is no compromise in the latter-day American political culture. Every side is convinced that they’re right, that the other side’s wrong, and that compromise equals betrayal. Lockstep conformity to ideology is the order of the day. It’s probably no … Continue reading

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Hypocrisy all around

To call this, the U.S. presidential election cycle, the silly season, doesn’t at all do it justice. Because there’s nothing silly about naked hypocrisy and raw cynicism. On Friday, June 15th the Obama administration announced a change in policy at … Continue reading

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