Monthly Archives: March 2012

RIP Earl Scruggs (Jan 6, 1924 – March 28, 2012)

Maybe you don’t like bluegrass. Maybe the banjo does nothing for you. Fair enough. Even if that’s true, you must recognize when you see a maestro at work. When it came to the banjo, Earl Scruggs was that maestro. You … Continue reading

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Mad for the Ad Men

Fellow Mad Men fanatics: it’s been a long 17 months, hasn’t it? AMC is quenching our too-long thirst (with a few noontime martinis, no doubt) and returning us to that strange insular world of mid-1960s Madison Avenue. It’s insular, we’ve … Continue reading

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Art, war, and the lost treasures of Europe

It’s staggering to realize that a conflict that ended nearly seven decades ago is still shaping so much of our lives. Politics, demographics, ethnic relations – the way we think of all these things, and many more, can be traced … Continue reading

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Ernest Hemingway: The Spanish Earth (1937)

What a cool find, and thanks as always, YouTube. This documentary provides not only one of the few surviving recordings of Hemingway’s voice (he narrated it), it also represents one of his only willing collaborations with the film industry (he … Continue reading

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Pleiades at play

There’s this star cluster in Taurus. I can’t take my eyes off it. Which is remarkable in two ways. The first is that there’s nothing remarkable about this star cluster. It’s up there half the year, easy to find, you … Continue reading

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Book launch!

Please pardon the overt self-promotion, it’s just that Book Launch Day comes so seldom these days. Anyway, and intended for a rather narrow audience, we introduce today Strategies for Training Excellence. Available now, as usual, with our good friends over … Continue reading

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A tradition of gore

Bullfighting is bloodsport. Let’s set aside euphemism and accept that fact from the outset. There’s never a reprieve, nor any chance of a languid, bloodless match. The sands of the corrida will always turn red. Each and every time a … Continue reading

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