Category Archives: New Post

J.K. Rowling, cease and desist

Here’s what I like about J.K. Rowling: hers is the literary rags-to-riches story for the ages. She’s created an empire of the imagination that has already enthralled a couple of generations and seems destined to remain a fantasy classic. And … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 2020

This space, you might have noticed, has gone mostly dark these last few tortuous months. Words, by and large, just haven’t been flowing. I won’t belabor the point because, say it with me now, This (and by this I mean, … Continue reading

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Required reading: biography of a plague

“Pandemic” is a relatively new concept. The term was coined within living memory to confer grave exponentiality beyond its relatively tame precursors, such as “epidemic” and “outbreak.” The concept is new because the phenomenon is rare. Isolated or concentrated contagions … Continue reading

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Write it out – together

The Quarantine Literary Project is a virtual anthology. Social un-distancing through words. Or less succinctly, an invitation to any and all to write it out: write whatever they’re thinking, whatever they care to share. No rules, no constraints, no expectations. … Continue reading

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Here’s one for the classic movie buffs…

Could it be that Max von Sydow left us earlier this week because he’s tired of gaming with the Grim Reaper every time a plague comes ’round? But seriously. These are strange times indeed, the likes of which most of … Continue reading

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Just eat the banana

Perhaps the most startling of the dystopian scenarios tossed around in this long millennial hangover we keep suffering through, is the well-nigh unprovable Simulation Theory—it posits that we’re all unwitting Trons, bumbling through our level-ups and side-quests, in someone else’s … Continue reading

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Impeach that PO(tu)S

They say that if you come at the king, you’d better not miss. That in a nutshell is the reason I’ve argued against the initiation of impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump. It’s a politically pragmatic stance on my part, but … Continue reading

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RIP Eddie Money (March 21 1949 – Sept 13 2019)

. Onetime NYPD officer, longtime FM radio staple – Edward Joseph Mahoney, better known as Eddie Money, has lost his battle with esophageal cancer. May he rest in peace. . .

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Labor Day – cookouts and class struggle

Just a wee, timely reminder that Labor Day is our late-summer salute to a movement, to a social class, to all the toilers who have built and continue to build the skeleton and connective tissue of our nation-state. A reminder … Continue reading

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The pendulum’s gonna do what a pendulum does

Someone once told me that if I really wanted to know what was going on in the world I should skip the front page, and flip directly to the business page. Years have passed, and I’ve since dabbled in business … Continue reading

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Butt music

Yes you read that right. We’re going to have a little listen to a gluteal chorale today. You will enjoy it. (How could you not?) The composition comes to us courtesy of Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516), a … Continue reading

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Verso (Sunday musing)

All↑ of the dark magick that oozes here and there And elevates the pulse of these lands. And the land that dances – here – there and everywhere – pulls some magnetic threadcraft all along the ages. Lest some slack … Continue reading

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Going Fourth

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America WHEN IN THE Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another… (We … Continue reading

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Gerry Mander for president

It’s hard to say exactly when American democracy died. But June 27th, 2019 might be remembered as the day the U.S. Supreme Court drove a stake in its chest to make damned sure it stayed dead. In an ideologically split, … Continue reading

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For the arts – challenge yourself

How about this? Hats off to artist Denise Cerro and her band of merry creators, for their revolving assemblage challenge (and many bonus points awarded for their use of recycled materials). Does this not inspire? You don’t have to think … Continue reading

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