Category Archives: Uncategorized

Memorial Day 2016 – Recognition and Thanks

Memorial Day, as has been noted before, is the unofficial start of summer, a pre-solstice revelry of warm weather and outdoor fun. For many of us, myself thoroughly included, it’s a long-anticipated 3-day weekend, a barbecue bacchanalia, a day to … Continue reading

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The Labor Movement: still working for us all

Saw some social-media ignorance on display this Labor Day weekend—which surprised me more than it reasonably should have. In this case it was a picture of flag-draped military coffins, with the guilt-inducer: “Just In Case You Thought It Was About … Continue reading

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Today’s sage words of advice

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What if the sun takes it all away?

It seems we really did dodge an apocalypse, of sorts, back in 2012. In one of those sleeper stories, known but to a few learned insiders (and they might as well keep such things to themselves since no one believes … Continue reading

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RIP Bob Hoskins (Oct. 26, 1942 – April 29, 2014)

Fondest farewell to a phenomenal actor, Robert William Hoskins Jr. Undoubtedly best known for his starring role in 1988′s Who Framed Roger Rabbit, his film and screen resume is long and impressive, dating from the early seventies, and numbering well … Continue reading

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Past masterpieces, new perspectives

This is the second time we’ve seen this, so we’ll go ahead and call it a trend. Modern digital artists are revisiting the canvases of painters departed, lending dimensionality to their works. When last we checked in Picasso’s haunting “Guernica” … Continue reading

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Now it can be told

Now it can be told: Ted Cruz is actually a deep-cover Dem-Bot programmed to destroy the GOP from within. Well done, little guy, well done! — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) October 16, 2013

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One Term Ted

I think even the Great Republic of Texas only has so much tolerance for barn-burnin' crazy #OneTermTed — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) September 25, 2013

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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers … Continue reading

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Sigh. Truth.

Plodding and plotting #NotProlific – – but #AmWriting — Pat Worden (@WordsmithWorden) June 27, 2013

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I’m not kidde-ing around

If you don’t have one of these ←in your home, get one. If you’ve got one, get more. Have at least one on every floor. Check them regularly. Replace them as needed. I did all that, because foresight. But didn’t … Continue reading

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Richard III, uncovered

Shakespeare always walked a fine line with his treatment of monarchy. On the one hand, he knew that the lives of royals were deep and rich wells of entertainment; power, wealth, sex, and betrayal were as popular devices in fiction … Continue reading

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Election 2012: Final post

I could type another thousand words or so, but instead I’ll let this picture do my talking…

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Do NOT be the last person on Earth to see this video

This site fancies itself an altar unto culture. This site would be remiss, then, if it didn’t immediately and at once turn its entire attention toward the Korean Peninsula, and pay due homage to Park Jae-sang, better known as Psy, … Continue reading

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Horse culture

Cultures clash; they are clashing, as you can plainly see in the news. As long as they’ve bumped up against one another, they’ve clashed. The differences—the causes of the clashes—are subject to endless debate, and rightfully so. Just as culture … Continue reading

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