Tag Archives: Happy New Year

The end of the year, and a climate debate (hint: there is no debate)

Kudos, respect, and thanks to Chuck Todd and NBC for today’s extraordinary edition of Meet The Press. The entire hour was dedicated to discussions of critical climate issues and the onrushing impacts of a warming earth. In a ground-breaking departure, … Continue reading

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Resolution Revolution

, In the small amount of informal surveying I’ve done (friends and family, mostly; so perhaps not a representative demographic but surely an awesome one), I’ve found that most of us don’t muck about with New Years resolutions. And perhaps … Continue reading

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Coda 2014: Hope, fear, and necessity

Perception is reality. That’s a mantra that I wallow in daily, using it as both a business/marketing lever, and as a psychological anchor. It reminds me that, for good or ill, our world and our positions in it are largely … Continue reading

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Be it resolved

Happy New Year. Right about now, if you’re anything like me, you’re pondering the efficacy and desirability of new years’ resolutions. And if you’re anything like me, and you’ve dabbled in such things in the past, you’ve got a spotty … Continue reading

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