Tag Archives: horror

Desperate for miracles in Cleveland

A weird disorientation, a juxtaposition, happens when your local news goes national. Most news, alas, is horrific; so when you’re sharing your local horrors with the national audience, the disorientation probably isn’t as noticable. You’re probably just lost in anguish. … Continue reading

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Wanna see something really scary?

On any other day, if you’re asked that question, let the lessons of the cinema be your guide, and say ‘no thanks.’ Ah, but today is Halloween, or Samhain for ye traditionalists. It is as they say the time when … Continue reading

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Scary, scary monsters, now available!

Now available through Booklocker.com: Voracious by yours truly (distribution will be picked up within mere days by Amazon, Barnes&Noble and all your favorite book-hawkers; ebook version dropping within a week). “Patrick Worden delivers a unique story, horrifying monsters, characters with … Continue reading

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