Mind.Net now available as E-book

cover, "Mind.Net"

Just a quick follow up from a post from a few days ago…my 2009 novel, Mind.Net has been revised and re-released in multiple E-book formats by Smashwords.com. Document formats include .mobi, .pdf, Epub, JavaScript and more. Readers are cheerfully invited to sample the first 20% of Mind.Net free;  full text download costs only $2.99 USD.

Mind.Net tells the story of Sara Kincade, a young psychic of extraordinary abilities who finds herself battling a massive conspiracy. I make no claim about psychic ability of my own (my guesses are occassionally lucky, but that’s about it), however a few true psychics have told me I’ve captured much that is real about the personal challenges one faces when one’s mind and abilities are markedly different from most other folk. I was gratified, truly so, to hear that.

I’m currently at work on the first of several Mind.Net sequels, all of which will be distributed via Smashwords.

Meanwhile, to all interested readers, please don’t hesitate to engage me in conversation (in this forum or via my email address pjword@pworden.com) to discuss the Mind.Net universe in particular, or psychic phenomena in general, or anything else that tickles your fancy. I do so like to gab!

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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