Monthly Archives: May 2011

Book Detective: marginalia

Marginalia. Librarians, archivists and some collectors consider it vandalism. Marginalia are the comments, asides, underlining and bizarre streams of consciousness that wind up inked or penciled into the margins of books over the hopefully long course of their lives. I … Continue reading

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Charles J. Berry, USMC

Cpl. Charles J. Berry of Lorain Ohio served with the First Battalion, Fifth Marine Division. He gave his life on March 3, 1945, on Iwo Jima. During a Japanese infiltration attack he diligently and expertly manned a machine gun emplacement, … Continue reading

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I won’t dwell on the subject much, this being a family newspaper and all, but if you ever get the urge to do some eye-opening sociology fieldwork, then get yourself a job in a porn store. Think the giga-tera-petabytes of … Continue reading

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Too much power? We have to do better than this

The Bonneville Power Administration, which transmits three-quarters of the electricity generated in the Pacific Northwest, is saying thanks-but-no-thanks to wind-power providers in the region. Wind farms are expected to go dormant, because BPA says their power simply isn’t needed. Why? … Continue reading

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In praise of the green fairy (from afar)

Maybe it’s the rain. As we we enter our third or fourth week of gray, unrelenting drizzle, my mind turns introspective, nihilistic and utterly self-destructive. And since I lack the strength of will to open a vein, or even to … Continue reading

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What now?

I was one of the folks who slept through the breaking news on Sunday, then awoke on Monday to a changed world. And what I found, once I absorbed the basic facts and the who, what, when, where, how, was … Continue reading

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