Monthly Archives: April 2014

RIP Bob Hoskins (Oct. 26, 1942 – April 29, 2014)

Fondest farewell to a phenomenal actor, Robert William Hoskins Jr. Undoubtedly best known for his starring role in 1988′s Who Framed Roger Rabbit, his film and screen resume is long and impressive, dating from the early seventies, and numbering well … Continue reading

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The new creators

The birth of digital interconnectivity brought with it an intrinsic challenge: Would our participation in the global conversation be active, or passive? And the answer came almost at once, because the digital revolution determined, definitively, that content is king. Content … Continue reading

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Back that shniz up

Take it as a warning. Learn by my woeful example. There are a thousand stupid tech-based ways you can lose hours or worse of work, whether through your own lapses or through the randomness of electron waywardness. In my case—yes … Continue reading

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American Blogger – shunned on arrival

Never has one movie been so thoroughly panned, largely by representatives of its supposed subject community, on the strength of its pre-release trailer alone (see here and here). American Blogger is a documentary created by Chris Wiegand, in which he … Continue reading

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Past masterpieces, new perspectives

This is the second time we’ve seen this, so we’ll go ahead and call it a trend. Modern digital artists are revisiting the canvases of painters departed, lending dimensionality to their works. When last we checked in Picasso’s haunting “Guernica” … Continue reading

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