Tag Archives: Youtube

Art-theft prank ends with jail time

Oh, the imperative to go viral. A million or so YouTubers will tell you that it’s not just transitory fame at stake (alluring though that might be); there’s actual income on the line here, in terms of shares in advertising … Continue reading

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Happy little trees on demand: Bob Ross on YouTube

From January 1983 to May 1994 the face of oil-painting pedagogy was surmounted by a ginger ‘fro, and the voice of the same was as calm and soothing as bottled Zen. Bob Ross came to PBS to share The Joy … Continue reading

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The new creators

The birth of digital interconnectivity brought with it an intrinsic challenge: Would our participation in the global conversation be active, or passive? And the answer came almost at once, because the digital revolution determined, definitively, that content is king. Content … Continue reading

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Wanna see something really scary?

On any other day, if you’re asked that question, let the lessons of the cinema be your guide, and say ‘no thanks.’ Ah, but today is Halloween, or Samhain for ye traditionalists. It is as they say the time when … Continue reading

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