Monthly Archives: June 2014

All hail the Theremin

Whether or not you enjoy the electronic oscillating tones of the twentieth century’s weirdest contribution to musical invention, you have to admit: the rise of the horror film wouldn’t have been possible (or at least wouldn’t have been the same) … Continue reading

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Dark Enlightenment – the thinking man’s neo-fascism

What do you make of a movement that purports to be intellectual, neo-reactionary, anti-democratic, and — wait for it — in favor of feudal restoration? You might think them confused, with good enough reason. Then you dig deeper and find … Continue reading

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Banksy took Manhattan – the movie?

Has it really been nearly a year since enigmatic Brit street artist Banksy steamrolled NYC? New Yorkers aren’t likely to forget the experience any time soon, but just in case the rest of us have, his website is now hosting … Continue reading

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Pay no attention to the existential threat behind the curtain

There’s a phrase you hear over and over in the debates, such as they are, that American chatterers and politicos engage in on the subject of climate change: “Perpetrating a Fraud“ Here’s the context: a minority of my countrymen have decided, … Continue reading

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RIP Ann B. Davis (May 5, 1926 – June 1, 2014)

You just know she made the best PB&J ever. It would have been tough under any circumstances to say goodbye to the one and only Alice: She helped raise a couple hundred million of us. She was pretty damned good … Continue reading

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