Something new, something cool: Booktrope

It’s nice, for a change, to report on something new in publishing without opining on its contribution to publishing’s ruination.

Say hello to Booktrope, for my money the biggest and best development in the book-publishing business in at least a generation. My full disclosure comes now: I’ve recently signed on as a Teamtrope member. Still early days in that respect, but I’ve every intention of chatting up that part of the story soon. Stay tuned.

For now I’d just like to sing the praises and spread the word of this innovative, process-driven publishing model. Manuscripts are submitted, hopefully accepted, but the true stock-in-trade are authors’ careers. Accepted authors plumb that Teamtrope well to assemble their creative band—editors, designers, marketing managers, etc.—and the team collaborates throughout pre-publication, launch, and everything that comes after to create a strong and reader-valued literary brand. The goal here isn’t just to publish a book, but instead to build book-shelf legacies.

I’ve hardly done justice in these few short paragraphs to what Booktrope is, and what it can do. I heartily suggest all who’re interested to reach out and learn more. Writers, in particular, are invited to check it out. Editors, proofreaders, artists, and marketing folk, likewise. And please do drop back in here with a comment to let us all know what you think.

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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