Monthly Archives: December 2016

RIP Debbie Reynolds (April 1, 1932 – Dec. 28, 2016)

It’s unfathomable. 2016 sucks.

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RIP Carrie Fisher (Oct. 21, 1956 – Dec. 27, 2016)

No, dammit. This has to stop.

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RIP George Michael (June 25, 1963 – Dec. 25, 2016)

A life led as fully, and as momentously, as the one led by the onetime, recently departed Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, deserves a final appraisal, a last celebration, and a send-off. That’s the least this world-famous pop icon should have expected, had … Continue reading

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Blue planet

Water is life so they say and they must have a point seven-tenths of earth’s surface is water after all but wait hold on more than 97 percent of that water is poisonous to us can’t drink it really rather … Continue reading

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You should certainly make art books

But do give a shout out to the original author

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Interesting times

#interestingtimes #putinsprez #treason

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