Letting in the elements in

.This is the time of year that most of us are trying to keep the elements out. Safe and warm cocoons are just a single door-seal removed from the bluster and bullshit raging out there, and all around.

But I’m arguing in favor of cracking the door-seal, and taking a peek at what the elements have on offer. Maybe don’t be quite so thorough in late October, as you’re gathering in your spring-and-summer treasures, locking them away against the cold. Maybe risk one or two of the dazzlingest among them as a possible sacrifice to granddad winter, but maybe also as new mixed-media eye candy, collaboration courtesy of those familiar wily elements.

Can’t offer any better inducement than simple aesthetics, so I wouldn’t blame you if you left your door-seal sealed. But I’d hope you understand aesthetics are strong medicine. Cheapest balm you can buy to heal spirit and mind.

So maybe, just this once, you ought to let the ice floe.

(Click here to see some more elemental magic from the same artist, and here to start shopping.)

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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