Monthly Archives: May 2017

Memorial and monition – Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing

We take this day as personal time, hopefully as a time of reflection and gratitude but in any case as a day that exists as an exemplar of freedom, bought and paid for, like all freedoms, with blood and sacrifice. … Continue reading

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RIP Roger Moore (Oct. 14 1927 – May 23 2017)

There are two venerable British-born franchises with a rotating stable of actors playing the lead: James Bond, and Doctor Who. In both cases (and I’ve informally verified this in conversations with fans of both, from both sides of the pond), … Continue reading

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Virtual exhibitions bring art to us all

Hopefully there’s an art museum, gallery, studio, or exhibition space within easy traveling distance from wherever you’re sitting right now. And hopefully it beckons you, and you grace it with your patronage just as often as you possibly can. But…we … Continue reading

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Mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters

Mother’s Day just might be the most well-earned holiday on our calendar. That’s not just because of the honors due to all the mothers who selflessly put themselves in the integral, irreplaceable centers of functional family life. Those are the … Continue reading

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May Day

. .MAY DAY has in the popular lexicon become an emergency broadcast, a cry for help. . . . But perhaps more accurately, it’s a cry for solidarity. And it is born on the shared experiences and collective self-sufficiency of … Continue reading

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