Category Archives: Homepage

One follows the other

WORK …..til you die, she was told – ergs and calories in -to the slow-roll gears of economic bloat. Everyone benefits, everyone dies. And some press -stamp’d armature flows directly down the supply stream, an alchemical descendent of her toil … Continue reading

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Happy birthday HST – there is no gonzo without you (July 18, 1937 – Feb. 20, 2005)

It’s been 14 wretched years since the good Dr. Gonzo, man of letters, Hunter Stockton Thompson, left us on his own terms, just as he always said he would. If the world was mad in his time—and it was, and … Continue reading

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Here come the Deepfakes

At some point, the onward trudge of technology has taken on more of a steamroll presentation, and much of the nextgen whatever-it-is brings far less progress to society and much more churn. It’s like the rote Silicon Valley diktat, “disrupt … Continue reading

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In memoriam: General George S. Patton

Since 2011, this site has observed Memorial Day by saluting the ordinary yet heroic soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who served and sacrificed, and died for their country. It must be said though that many of our heroic dead were, … Continue reading

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Social-media dead to outnumber the living by 2070

Is there anyone dead on your friends list? It’s a little unsettling, isn’t it? The profiles just abide out there, zombie-like, occasionally generating macabre birthday notices and the like. In especially tragic cases, their walls take on the temporary status … Continue reading

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Gaze long into this abyss

For the first time ever, we have a picture of a black hole. Behold the supermassive space-time phenomenon that lies at the heart of galaxy M87, 55 million light-years from earth. The image was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope, … Continue reading

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Jay Inslee, the issue candidate

The 2020 presidential field is already crowded, and growing ever more so, so it’s probably far too early for any earnest handicapping. Even a modest “meet the candidate” effort becomes a frantic two-step, with more hopefuls announcing, forming exploratory committees, … Continue reading

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Damned fools and poets

Sometimes the words only flow in the form of verse. And oftentimes that’s very much appropriate…. . All these impulses behind the wheels. All those ganglia in motion, under instinct; afloat on chemistry and wetware mechanics: self-deluded unto autonomy yet … Continue reading

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The Poor Man of Nippur – Babylonian language short film

I’m just giddy to present here, in its entirety, The Poor Man of Nippur—a 20-minute short film created by the University of Cambridge Department of Archaeology. It is the first feature produced in the Babylonian language, which has been extinct … Continue reading

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My ballot speaks for me

I voted today. Could’ve done it earlier; could’ve dodged the crowds, could’ve filled out a ballot at home and mailed it in at my leisure. These are valid choices, and if they were yours I salute them and you. But … Continue reading

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RIP Aretha Franklin (March 25, 1942 – Aug. 16, 2016)

She was one of a kind with pipes of gold. Her privacy was preserved, for the most part, throughout a long and heart-breaking illness. She died today at home in Detroit. May the Queen of Soul rest in peace.

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Tattoo therapy

My euphemisms vary: sometimes I say I prefer having my art collection with me at all times. Sometimes (when I’m feeling a little more honest) I allow as how I’m wearing my mid-life crisis on my skin. Either way, once … Continue reading

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The process

‘ It’s rainy and cool here in Deconstruction Central; seasons are changing and the wheel of the year is looping back to its wintry starting point. It is a time of adjustments. And how we adjust, the process of adjusting, … Continue reading

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A tale of two Renoirs

Let’s begin with what we know: Pierre-August Renoir completed “Two Sisters (On the Terrace)” in 1881. He made no copies. We know that, in the present day, two separate entities claim they own this original Renoir masterpiece. One is the … Continue reading

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Public service announcement.

Hey. I’m a little worried about you. I think you need to take a breath. I know you hear that a lot. Someone’s always telling you that, or versions of that. Chill down, chillax, get your bloomers out of their … Continue reading

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