Monthly Archives: July 2018

A symphony for the people

I’ve boasted more than once about the state of the arts in my beloved hometown. We’re at the resilient epicenter of a rust-belt renaissance, and we take our public arts very seriously. Not to put too fine a point on … Continue reading

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A pox on all our houses

I won’t go so far as to say this country has become ungovernable, but it surely isn’t being governed. That’s become evident as we wrap up a jaw-dropping couple of weeks. The madness coincided with Trump’s foray off-shore; he started … Continue reading

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On this date…he threw away his shot

On July 11 1804, founding wunderkind Alexander Hamilton committed history’s most misguided act of chivalry by deliberately firing over Aaron Burr’s head during America’s most famous duel. Burr, who was only the first U.S. vice president to shoot someone will … Continue reading

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The art of the Fourth

Happy birthday, America. Enjoy this retrospective of Independence Day in the arts…

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