Tag Archives: kindle

Boom, another book drops

Book drop day. Dropping into an online bookmonger near you, my novella-turned-ebook The Plug and Play Life premiers today. Timeslips, parallel universes, and the abusive psychology of endless searching—all in the format of an extra-longish short story, or a bite-sized … Continue reading

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Why I love the Kindle

I’ll start with a defensive-sounding disclaimer: I love me some books. I love me some old school books. By way of evidence (also somewhat defensively) I offer this snap of my recent haul. Long story, but most of these books … Continue reading

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An Announcement of the Self-Important, Self-Indulgent Variety

Just a quick digression, if you don’t mind, from our usual snarky examination of modern culture… …for the purpose of sharing new cover art for my 2009 novel, Mind.Net. This is in anticipation of the newly revised edition, to be … Continue reading

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