Tag Archives: sculpture

Strandbeests – The Uncanny Valley isn’t just for androids anymore

Theo Jansen is a kinetic sculptor—yet that seemingly innocuous title hardly does credit to his signature creation, the Strandbeest. A Strandbeest—literally, a “beach animal”—has an organic appearance only with the most liberal stretch of the imagination. They’re an amalgam of … Continue reading

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City in the desert

Since 1972, one of the most colossal works of art ever sculpted has been rising from the sands in Lincoln County, Nevada. It is not yet complete. Encompassing an area more than a mile long and a quarter mile wide, … Continue reading

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AntHill Art

I have no words for how cool I think Anthill Art is. And animal lover I may be, these are nonetheless some creatures that are a creepy-crawly bane of my existence. So if a few colonies are wiped out in … Continue reading

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Petro Wodkins takes the Pis

Artist Petro Wodkins is persona non grata in Brussels this week, for what he did to Mannekin Pis. The peeing statue is a cultural icon for Belgians, and has been since the early 17th century. (It commemorates, by the way, … Continue reading

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