Tag Archives: Petro Wodkins

Culture of oppression: Moscow gallery forced to close after benefit for political prisoners

The Marat Guelman Gallery, a nexus of the Moscow art scene since before the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, has been evicted following an October 18th art auction to benefit twelve anti-Putin protesters imprisoned since 2012. Gallery … Continue reading

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Artist / provocateur Petro Wodkins makes Putin’s head explode

Petro Wodkins is by now an old friend of the Deconstruction—we chuckled with him back in May ’13 when he hijacked Belgium’s beloved Mannekin Pis (and replaced it with himself). And we thrilled with him in the following year when … Continue reading

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Petro Wodkins strikes again (at a much more deserving target)

Artist/provocateur Petro Wodkins has made some more enemies—by making art, and by making a statement. The Deconstruction reported on his hijinks in Brussels last May, when he artistically hijacked that city’s beloved Julianski; the somewhat NSFW 17th century statue Manneken … Continue reading

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Petro Wodkins takes the Pis

Artist Petro Wodkins is persona non grata in Brussels this week, for what he did to Mannekin Pis. The peeing statue is a cultural icon for Belgians, and has been since the early 17th century. (It commemorates, by the way, … Continue reading

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