Monthly Archives: April 2011

Meditate on this…

And here we have my first non-fiction book. Meditation, you say? How…exciting. I know. I know. When you meditate, you pretty much just sit there. Not exactly sexy. But what you’re really doing, in a way completely invisible to outside … Continue reading

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They seem like nice kids

When I was 12 years old my mother, an unrepentant anglophile, woke me up at 0-dark-thirty to watch what for years I would think of as “The Royal Wedding.” That marriage, alas, did not live up to its fairy-tale beginning. … Continue reading

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What does “Next” mean?

This is one of those linguistic imponderables, like “could care less” versus “couldn’t care less.” Today is Tuesday. Earlier today I was speaking with a friend. I mentioned something that would be going down “next weekend.” He sighed in that … Continue reading

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Another e-book launched, thus begins an e-book empire

My 2010 collection of odd stories and even rants is now available from As always with Smashwords, if you’ve got a device for reading an e-book (pc to Kindle, iPad to smartphone) they’ve got a version of my book … Continue reading

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The disturbing yet logical way to eat a chocolate bunny

First, eat the bunny’s ears. Eat them all gone. This will expose the top of the bunny’s head. Eat this all gone too, right down into the bunny’s face. Take what’s left of the bunny, and dash him repeatedly against … Continue reading

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The housing problem diagnosed and remedied in four short paragraphs and one long one (and a graph)

Above is illustrated capitalism in a nutshell. For every market for every product or service you can think of, the graph above describes how the price is set. The sweet X spot where demand meets supply is the market equilibrium. … Continue reading

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A bit of, um, exposure for a friend of The Deconstruction

That was Mark Smith. Sorry ladies, he’s happily married. Check out his YouTube channel. Directors, producers, talent scouts: feel free to message him via this space.

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Calling all psychics…

Keeping with the paranormal theme of my last post – but maybe treating the subject a bit more seriously – I’d like to explore the cultural implications of psychics and psychic phenomena. It’s a subject close to my heart. Although … Continue reading

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What a vampire ought to be

Vampires, as a cultural phenomenon, are something like a mirror for society; every age constructs them according to the world they see around them. Their origin, remember, is that of a nightime bloodsucker, to be feared by the villagers and … Continue reading

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Mind.Net now available as E-book

Just a quick follow up from a post from a few days ago…my 2009 novel, Mind.Net has been revised and re-released in multiple E-book formats by Document formats include .mobi, .pdf, Epub, JavaScript and more. Readers are cheerfully invited to … Continue reading

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Nice smile you got there, lady

Well this is somewhat horrifying. Researchers in Florence, Italy are all set to dig up the bones of Lisa Gherardini, died 1542, with the goal of reconstructing her face to see if maybe, just maybe, she might have been Leonardo’s model … Continue reading

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I don’t want to write about you, Charlie Sheen

Oh, how I’ve tried to avoid writing this post. But Charlie Sheen has relentlessly imposed himself on American culture and its consciousness. Probably on a temporary basis, but who knows? Maybe his brand of crazy truly has staying power. I … Continue reading

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An Announcement of the Self-Important, Self-Indulgent Variety

Just a quick digression, if you don’t mind, from our usual snarky examination of modern culture… …for the purpose of sharing new cover art for my 2009 novel, Mind.Net. This is in anticipation of the newly revised edition, to be … Continue reading

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