
Author Greg Olear is talented, funny and kind enough to share his platform with fellow scribes.

“Fathermucker” isn’t an expletive (at least not really); it’s the name of Greg’s 2011 novel, and his hilarously unerring blog. Both book and blog look at the challenges, rewards and pitfalls of 21st century parenting.

Realizing that some of those fellow scribes might be able to contribute two cents (give or take) to the parenting discussion, Greg frequently turns Fathermucker.com over to guest bloggers. The Deconstruction has been proud to see some of its good friends appear under Greg’s broken-lollie header.

And now it’s our turn. The Deconstruction (or more specifically, Pat Worden) will be guest-Fathermuckering this Tuesday, February 7th. Head on over and check it out, and be sure to read the entire site, it’s all good stuff. And buy some of Greg’s books, while you’re at it. A fathermucker’s gotta eat, after all.

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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