Monthly Archives: September 2012

Do NOT be the last person on Earth to see this video

This site fancies itself an altar unto culture. This site would be remiss, then, if it didn’t immediately and at once turn its entire attention toward the Korean Peninsula, and pay due homage to Park Jae-sang, better known as Psy, … Continue reading

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Horse culture

Cultures clash; they are clashing, as you can plainly see in the news. As long as they’ve bumped up against one another, they’ve clashed. The differences—the causes of the clashes—are subject to endless debate, and rightfully so. Just as culture … Continue reading

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Shepard Fairey guilty of criminal contempt

At the intersection of politics and pop culture we find Shepard Fairey and his iconic 2008 painting of Barack Obama, which one art critic said was the most effective political poster since Uncle Sam’s “I Want You.” In a sardonic … Continue reading

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Labor 2012

Last year on this day we took a look back at the history of the labor movement in the United States. This year we’ll take a look around. This article by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis celebrates the history of … Continue reading

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What the melting glacier teaches

Circumstances have brought us to an odd place, where we can simultaneously consider the horrors of an old war, one that’s a hundred years gone and that was supposed to end all wars, and also our grim present, in the … Continue reading

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