Monthly Archives: March 2013

Cthulhu on Etsy

This is one Great Old One that’s everywhere. Including, prominently, the ‘net’s best clearinghouse for cottage crafts: Etsy. Every time the dreams and the drums have brought me back to Cthulhu (see here here and here), I’ve warned you how … Continue reading

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TEDTalks: Thelma Golden on art & culture

“Ideas worth spreading.” That’s the philosophy behind TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design). When you find yourself seeking inspiration, optimism, and the elusive incubation of good ideas—just google “TEDTalks.” Click on any and all results you find. I guarantee you’ll experience … Continue reading

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Why I love the Kindle

I’ll start with a defensive-sounding disclaimer: I love me some books. I love me some old school books. By way of evidence (also somewhat defensively) I offer this snap of my recent haul. Long story, but most of these books … Continue reading

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When the artist is a liar

“I’ve always had a knack and penchant for going toward humorous irony.” That’s what celebrated Seattle artist Charles Krafft told Salon in a 2002 interview. And if you were looking for irony in his work, it was easy to find. A … Continue reading

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The biblioclasts

In the scale of assaults that mankind inflicts on mankind, it’s hard to argue that biblioclasty, the torching of libraries, much compares with the worst crimes that all too often occur in times of war, conquest, and oppression. We’re informed … Continue reading

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Love your geek job? Rap about it.

It’s been a few days since anyone shook themselves up over the Harlem Shake, so we’re clearly desperately in need of something new to go inexplicably viral. So enter Andrew Finklestein, Google employee and self-proclaimed hippity-hopper. His “Welcome to Google” … Continue reading

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It’s nearly upon us: The National Day of Unplugging

Call it the Luddite Sabbath: from sundown tonight to sundown Saturday, we are urged to disconnect from our electronic tethers; and reconnect, if only for a while, with a simpler life. Read a book (one made of paper). Ride your … Continue reading

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