Tag Archives: H.P. Lovecraft

H.P. Lovecraft’s not-so-private horror

Howard Phillips Lovecraft would have turned 128 this week. As it was, he died in 1937, aged just 46, but if he’d enjoyed such startling longevity we likely wouldn’t be discussing today what infernal bargain was keeping him alive, but … Continue reading

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Cthulhu on Etsy

This is one Great Old One that’s everywhere. Including, prominently, the ‘net’s best clearinghouse for cottage crafts: Etsy. Every time the dreams and the drums have brought me back to Cthulhu (see here here and here), I’ve warned you how … Continue reading

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Update: Cthulhu still sleeps (for now)

It’s not a hard and fast rule, here at the Deconstruction; more of a rule of thumb. It goes like this: every six months or so, if you can’t think of anything else to write about, write about Cthulhu. Cthulhu … Continue reading

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The Call of Lovecraft

What does a writer want? No doubt there are as many answers to that as there are writers–as many writers as there have ever been, in fact. But throughout those innumerable answers, most of which probably revolve around fame, fortune … Continue reading

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