Monthly Archives: January 2014

No place for an Easter egg

Easter eggs are cute devices. I don’t mind them in movies, games, ads—not even in arts and literature. They’re an unexpected connection that happens, sometimes, between creator and the innumerable cadre of explorers who’ve peeled back a layer of whatever … Continue reading

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On a cold January day, or any old day, you can reach out and find art anywhere you care to look. With the right kind of eye you can find new angles, new art, even in those last and longest-lasting … Continue reading

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Petro Wodkins strikes again (at a much more deserving target)

Artist/provocateur Petro Wodkins has made some more enemies—by making art, and by making a statement. The Deconstruction reported on his hijinks in Brussels last May, when he artistically hijacked that city’s beloved Julianski; the somewhat NSFW 17th century statue Manneken … Continue reading

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Would you trust this man with your North Korean diplomacy?

Dennis Rodman is looking to justify his ongoing, train-wreck-like odyssey in North Korea by comparing it to the Ping-Pong Diplomacy that helped cool relations with China in the 1970s. I couldn’t disagree more, but whatever helps him sleep at night. … Continue reading

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RIP Phil Everly (Jan 19 1939 – Jan 3 2014)

We’re not only losing the stars of early rock and roll, that dwindling cadre of 1950s musical pioneers… we’re also losing, day by day, most of its fans. It’s been barely an average human lifetime since guitars were electrified, voices … Continue reading

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Be it resolved

Happy New Year. Right about now, if you’re anything like me, you’re pondering the efficacy and desirability of new years’ resolutions. And if you’re anything like me, and you’ve dabbled in such things in the past, you’ve got a spotty … Continue reading

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