Monthly Archives: July 2017


These are strange and unsettling times, and do please sing out when I start telling you something you don’t already know. What can we do? It seems irresponsible somehow to completely unplug from it all, and besides we haven’t yet … Continue reading

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The long history of :)

Thanks to the ubiquitous emoji, we’re now communicating more than ever in semiotics, and most specifically with some simple yet telling arrangement of two dots for eyes, and some visceral version of a frown, grimace, or smile. It shouldn’t come … Continue reading

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Send me art

You already know what a sizable percentage of humanity’s wit, wisdom and culture is readily beam-downable to that device you keep in your pocket (and that might not be the safest place to keep it, by the way). But what … Continue reading

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Whisky business

SOME whisky business slowed our trek it slowed the way we share our throes. . We ran our road we had our wreck we have still more and on it goes. . I cannot say I miss our start or … Continue reading

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When in the course of human events

The course of human events can be a harrowing run, and even in the best circumstances the road takes you, eventually, to landscapes you did not expect. The act of political estrangement that began on the Fourth of July, 1776 … Continue reading

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Because sometimes only verse will do…

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