Monthly Archives: December 2017

Resolution Revolution

, In the small amount of informal surveying I’ve done (friends and family, mostly; so perhaps not a representative demographic but surely an awesome one), I’ve found that most of us don’t muck about with New Years resolutions. And perhaps … Continue reading

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Creative resistance

At the time it sure felt like 2016 was the culmination of the old “May you live in interesting times” hex. But just as the new climate-change normal leads us to designate each year as the hottest on record—but only … Continue reading

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That you, Banksy?

I – It’s probably a little more common to snap a credible picture of Nessie than it is to catch the world’s most elusive street artist in action. But a British tourist in Bethlehem thinks that’s just what he’s done. … Continue reading

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The kid stays in the picture – Met declines to censor 1938 painting

Given recent cultural shockwaves around the eternally fraught subject of sexual politics, no one should be terribly surprised that a painting which appears to depict a suggestively posed prepubescent girl is now in the spotlight, and in the cross-hairs. Those … Continue reading

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