Monthly Archives: March 2018

Down this rabbit hole you must go…

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Sasha Matthews for the copyright win

In theory, American copyright laws are among the most creator-friendly in the world: in a nutshell, if you conceive it, and if you preserve it in a durable format, it belongs to you, under aegis of  U.S. jurisprudence, for as long as … Continue reading

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RIP Stephen Hawking (Jan. 8 1942 – March 14 2018)

I imagine they felt a little like this in March, 1727. Issac Newton had died, and the world was left to wonder: Who will explain the universe to us now? Stephen Hawking has left us at the age of 76—roughly … Continue reading

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Creatively satisfying

Springtime salute to the kind of eye candy that’s satisfying not just in its final form, but also throughout the act of its creation. . No overarching meaning here; no metaphors nor messages. Just some fun some stuff to look … Continue reading

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Art$ and economy

We’re not supposed to try to valuate the intangibles of culture. Except, you know, we’re a people who valuate everything. So let’s do this. According to new research just released by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau … Continue reading

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