Tag Archives: flash mobs

Best subway improv ever

Anyone who’s ever ridden the NYC subway system has shared a collective suppressed groan when a man with a money can stands up and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention….” So for the benefit of us all … Continue reading

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Random acts of culture

Hats off to the Knight Foundation, for decades of community-based philanthropy in support of progressive journalism, media, and the arts. (Originating, I’m proud to say, from my very own home town.) And particular heart-felt cheers for their ongoing project, Random … Continue reading

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Flash mobs: the birth of an electronic tribe

Could it be that YouTube, and all it stands for, is what Andy Warhol had in mind when he promised us all 15 minutes of future fame? Without a doubt, internet video holds out a tantalizing potential for stardom; a … Continue reading

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