Tag Archives: I culture you

Damned fools and poets

Sometimes the words only flow in the form of verse. And oftentimes that’s very much appropriate…. . All these impulses behind the wheels. All those ganglia in motion, under instinct; afloat on chemistry and wetware mechanics: self-deluded unto autonomy yet … Continue reading

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Resolution Revolution

, In the small amount of informal surveying I’ve done (friends and family, mostly; so perhaps not a representative demographic but surely an awesome one), I’ve found that most of us don’t muck about with New Years resolutions. And perhaps … Continue reading

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Public service announcement.

Hey. I’m a little worried about you. I think you need to take a breath. I know you hear that a lot. Someone’s always telling you that, or versions of that. Chill down, chillax, get your bloomers out of their … Continue reading

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Feeling a little morbid, are we?

Well no, not really. It’s really just a convergence of events: haven’t posted in a while but don’t yet have the energy to take on the drowning of Houston or the marching of nazis or the deep foul bucket of … Continue reading

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Whisky business

SOME whisky business slowed our trek it slowed the way we share our throes. . We ran our road we had our wreck we have still more and on it goes. . I cannot say I miss our start or … Continue reading

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Because sometimes only verse will do…

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Whither the fool?

Tomfoolery is just the latest chapter in the story. The date of April 1st has been linked with the concept of the trickster and the fool since our misty earliest past. Remembering that the medieval fool was the one member … Continue reading

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The word, spoken

And then there are those days when you just need to turn on the camera and spew verse…

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The sonneteer

~ ~ No clear idea why, but it seems I’m sonnetering these days. Works for me if it works for you: ~ ~ ~

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You should certainly make art books

But do give a shout out to the original author

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The beer sonnet

~ ~ With thanks and salud to Max Stossel.

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I culture you: Just some incredibly hip street-art videos

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I culture you: Take your vacation

You’ve been working very very hard, haven’t you? Poor thing, I know exactly how you feel. You know what you need? You need a little vacation. Go ahead — take a some time off. Relax. How you relax is a … Continue reading

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On a cold January day, or any old day, you can reach out and find art anywhere you care to look. With the right kind of eye you can find new angles, new art, even in those last and longest-lasting … Continue reading

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I culture you: Hop aboard

Humulus lupulus: the hop flower. Fruit of a herbaceous perennial vine, cultivated mainly in northern temperate regions, used extensively as an antibacterial herbal additive. Which is nice. But for my money, hops have one beautiful, noble purpose: they’re what turns … Continue reading

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