I culture you (art edition)

What is culture? By one definition it’s a thriving petri dish. That’s a metaphor for human culture only if you’ve got the most cynical disposition toward your fellow man.


Art is subjective. Emphatic period.

Feel free to enjoy the art you like, and ignore the rest. But ignore nothing without at least one deciding glance. Else how are you to zero in on what you like?

Once you find what you like, revel in it. Seek it out in museums, in galleries, and online. Buy art, by all means. If you can, buy the work of your favorite artist, and work that represents every aspect of your favorite art genre. Or buy anything that reminds you of it. Or anything that’s the opposite of it, or anything that makes you think about it, or not think about it. Trust and follow your instincts.

Support art out in the public places, and in your private spaces. There’re few sadder sights than bare walls and boring spaces. Art is a proven cure for both.

About editor, facilitator, decider

Doesn't know much about culture, but knows when it's going to hell in a handbasket.
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