Monthly Archives: November 2012

Plugging and playing

Update on the previously self-plugged blog experiment, The Plug and Play Life: Those playing along at home might remember that the goal was to breed long-format fiction with Tumblr, to see if a neverending story couldn’t be told, down through … Continue reading

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RIP: Hector Camacho’s Brain

Hector “Macho” Camacho is brain dead. The headline above may sound flippant, but with all respect to Mr. Camacho, to his friends and family and to his millions of fans, no flippancy is intended. I’m just trying to make this … Continue reading

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Save the pupfish

What is culture? By one definition it’s a thriving petri dish. That’s a metaphor for human culture for only the most cynical among us. If you can intervene to stop an extinction, should you? That’s a question that science journalist … Continue reading

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Repelling boarders: an author’s guide to literary piracy

Intellectual property theft, just by virtue of that thunderous phrase, somehow sounds worse than any other kind of theft. It suggests, accurately enough, that those lowdown scalawags are stealing nothing less than the very issue of your mind. Given the … Continue reading

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I culture you: Proof of leadership

Jimmy Carter was a teetotaler. So was William Howard Taft. So was George W. Bush, and so was Adolf Hitler. On the other team, among the men who enjoyed a drink or three while they won wars and led powerful … Continue reading

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What the world needs now is more frackin’ Cylons

If you’re not a sci-fi fan, then you’re probably not much interested in, nor have you seen, Ronald Moore’s 2004-2009 Battlestar Galactica series. And that’s a pity, because it’s not for nothing that Time Magazine has named it one of … Continue reading

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Election 2012: Final post

I could type another thousand words or so, but instead I’ll let this picture do my talking…

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Election liveblog (a long night ahead…)

Well here we go then. Polls have closed in a slew of eastern states (including my own) and the tabulations have begun. Let’s start digging into this thing… 11:17pm: Shutting this thing down now, with congratulations to President Barack Obama. … Continue reading

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Election 2012 – liveblogging the results

This space is supposed to be reserved for only the most highbrowed discussion of art, literature, and culture. Yet again and again, we wade into the morass of political culture…probably solely because of our love of oxymorons. So…once more unto … Continue reading

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In the bullseye here in the Buckeye State

The phone won’t stop ringing. Earlier in the cycle the calls were all from familiar voices, the candidates themselves or their smooth-talking celebrity surrogates. Here in the final push days, the types of calls are changing, getting more aggressive. They’re … Continue reading

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